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Editing and Canceling Accounts

This feature is available for the following group(s):


The PostalOne! system, during the monthly close, automatically cancels Permit Imprint (PI), Precanceled Stamps (PC), Postage Due (PD), Metered (MT), and Ghost (GH) permits that have been inactive for two years and deletes canceled permits after one year. You can set an account to be immune to automatic cancellation and deletion. Once cancelled, permits cannot be used in postage statements as the permit holder or in a by/for role.

To edit or manually cancel permit accounts:

  1. Click Account Management on the left menu bar.

  2. If necessary, select a finance unit and acceptance site.

  3. Click Edit Permit/Periodical Account.

  4. On the Permit Search page, enter search criteria to find the permit to edit or delete, then click Search. The page displays a list matching your criteria. CAPS accounts are indicated by (CAPS) after the account name.

  5. If you found the account you wish to edit or cancel, click Edit. If you did not find the account, to narrow or broaden the current search, click Modify Search Criteria.

  6. On the Edit Permit Account page, make all necessary changes.

  7. Click Submit when done.

  8. If necessary for nonprofit authorization, select whether the nonprofit authorization number belongs to the company edited or to the nonprofit authorization company on record. Select the appropriate boxes to keep or change organization names and addresses, then click Cancel Match (to return to the previous page and reenter the authorization number) or Approve Match (to continue). Click Yes in the dialog box. Generally, do not change the organization on record. Nonprofit authorization numbers are national, so the same number should not be used for two different organizations, even if those organizations submit mailings to different Post Offices.

  9. If editing a Periodicals or Pending Periodicals account, make any changes. To change the effective date or denial date of a pending Periodicals account, click the Edit Effective Date, then enter the new date. This may affect the amount of money transferred. Ensure that any special permissions, such as those organizations participating in overnight drops (overnight mailers) or the Consolidate Periodicals Payment (CPP) program are selected. Click Continue to review the changes. Click Save Periodical.

  10. Once your changes have been saved:

To perform other functions, click the appropriate link on the left menu bar.